Friday, May 1, 2015

Quiet Book: sandwich making page

This is the last page. It has a plate and glass, as well as pockets to hold all the sandwich fixings. He can make pb&j, or any combination he can think of with ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion. He usually puts everything on. The drink is also double sided, so he can choose between juice and milk. 

Quiet Book: catching lightning bugs

I loved catching lightning bugs when I was a kid. This is a fun page where Luke can "catch" the lightning bugs and collect them in the mason jar. 

Quiet Book: rainbow page

Luke is two, so he can't really the names of the colors quite yet, but he can match them by the color of the thread. He loves rainbows and has gotten pretty good at matching the little clouds with the right color on the rainbow.

Quiet book: fish matching page

This page is a simple matching activity with fish the same shape but different colors. The tail end snaps off and can be mixed and matched with the other fish. 

Quiet book: Dinosaurs

This page is just for fun. The dinosaurs snap on and off and can be played with in their little scene. I got design inspiration from the blog Serving Pink Lemonade and her dinosaur play mat. 

Quiet book: bee and flowers threading page

This page is to practice threading. The little bee flies from flower to flower before heading home to his hive. Many thanks to Imagine Our Life for sharing her lovely design for this page! I modified it a bit by only making 5 flowers instead of 10, and by drawing my own flowers. I also made the bee out of felt instead of beads. 

Quiet book: garden page

This page has so many little pieces! The carrots and beets can be planted, or picked and put in the basket. The tomatoes can be snapped on and off. There is also a surprise hiding in the grass!

Quiet book: Space pages

These are some of my favorites. The Tardis and comet are removable so Luke can fly them around space. He likes to land the Tardis on the moon, while making the landing sound. He is a cool kid. 

Quiet book: Abacus page

This abacus page is pretty fun. I saw a ton of abacus pages in other quiet books online, but they all used pony beads. I really wanted it to be all felt.

Quiet book: Shapes page

This was a very early page. I traced the shapes from Luke's shape sorter so they would be a consistent size. Originally I had embroidered "shapes" across the top, but it was too thin. I ended up tracing stick on letters and cutting them out in white. Luke loves this page, especially the heart and star, which ate two of his favorite shapes. He always runs off with them. 

Luke's Quiet Book pt. 1

I stared making this quiet book for my son Luke last summer. It took me a several mints to finish, there were many nights I stayed up in to the early morning working on it, determined to finish this or that before going to sleep. (It is really hard to sew with a toddler running around!) It's made almost entirely of felt, save for the flannel cover and clear vinyl on some pages. All the pages were sewn my hand, then I used my machine to sew the pages together and to make the cover. I got a lot of inspriation from looking at other quiet books I could find online. I found the blog Imagine Our Life particularly helpful with all her tutorials and patterns. Quite a few of my pages were inspired by her designs. I really enjoyed this project. I was kinda sad when I finished it, I think I will make another one soon.